Confirmed: Big news revealed about Oilers' Connor McDavid rumor

Gabriel Sami
June 27, 2024  (5:21 PM)

Connor McDavid of the Edmonton Oilers and fiancé Lauren Kyle are seen on the Red Carpet of the NHL Awards
Photo credit: Bruce Bennett

During his end-of-season exit interview yesterday, Edmonton Oilers head coach Kris Knoblauch provided injury updates on several players, including Connor McDavid.

Many fans might not be shocked to learn that both Connor McDavid and Leon Draisaitl battled significant injuries during these playoffs. Draisaitl, in particular, struggled with injuries to his hand and ribs, possibly including a broken rib and hand bone. The severity was such that Knoblauch and the coaching staff were unsure if he could play each night.
Kris Knoblauch said Leon Draisaitl had hand and rib injuries that left staff questioning whether he could play, while forward Evander Kane had a sports hernia and captain Connor McDavid was also playing hurt.
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The Oilers head coach opted to keep details close to the vest, particularly regarding McDavid's injuries. Many fans speculated he had a hand injury, noting his reduced shot volume in the last two series. However, Knoblauch did confirm that Evander Kane had a hernia, which the forward had acknowledged before the playoffs started.
Little in the way of injury details from Oilers coach Kris Knoblauch. He said Connor McDavid played through an injury but wouldn't disclose it. He said Leon Draisaitl had a rib and hand injury. He said Evander Kane had a sports hernia, which Kane disclosed before the playoffs.

Kris Knoblauch provides an update on the injuries the Oilers were dealing with throughout the playoffs.

Source: Hockey Patrol
Oilers Connor McDavid rumor confirmed: big news unveiled
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Confirmed: Big news revealed about Oilers' Connor McDavid rumor

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