Alex Ovechkin announces that he is moving to Russia from the NHL

Gabriel Sami
May 25, 2024  (8:45 PM)

The Washington Capitals' Alex Ovechkin post game interview
Photo credit: x

Alex Ovechkin has officially stated his plans to end his career in Russia with Dynamo Moskva after his time in the NHL. Despite chasing Wayne Gretzky's goal record he feels that he has achieved all he needed to in the NHL.

Recently Ovechkin, who is currently bound by a contract with the Capitals for a few seasons expressed his wish to conclude his career not as part of the Washington Capitals but with Dynamo Moskva in the KHL. This announcement has triggered reactions from fans and analysts contemplating what impact his departure from the NHL would have.

Words from a Coach

Vladimir Fedosov, a former coach of Dynamo Moskva shared his thoughts on Ovechkins decision;

He said himself that he would finish his career in Dynamo... the white-and-blue fans can definitely sleep easy. If Alexander's health is good, he will be able to play until the age of 45,

Ovechkin from Moscow began his career, with Dynamo Moskva before entering the NHL. Throughout the lockout, in 2012 13 he led their KHL team demonstrating his bond with his hometown club. His choice to come back to Dynamo Moskva indicates his connection with the team and his wish to conclude his career where it all started.
Despite this plan Capitals fans can relax knowing that the 38 year old winger will stay in Washington for some time. Ovechkin's dedication to the Capitals remains unwavering. He will continue to play a role for the team until he eventually heads back to Russia.
This announcement has sparked conversations about the legacy Ovechkin will leave in the NHL. His pursuit of Gretzkys record and his contributions to the Capitals have cemented his status as one of hockeys best players. As he nears the end of his career fans and experts will closely observe how he manages his time between the NHL and his ambitions with Dynamo Moskva.
Source - Hockey Patrol
Alex Ovechkin confirms he is leaving the NHL for Russia
25 MAI   |   557 ANSWERS
Alex Ovechkin announces that he is moving to Russia from the NHL

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